
Anders Christian Siveb¾k anders_sivebaek at nns.dk
Mon Oct 21 20:14:41 CEST 2002

>I guess he's one of the five notaries in the US 10 'filler' story
Yeah!  (I was behind mads' question - but as he had in the first place
asked me for a list 
of all the charecters on the illustration i advised *him* to ask here - as
his first mail to the 
list - welcome to, Mads, to the nicest mailinglist I know. 

So now all charetcers on that illustration are identified - Mads and
Inducks can be happy :-)
I guess you'll include it yourself, as i haven't got the list I send to
you, Mads and Thomas (for Inducks) here. 

I'll write another mail as soon as i've found the book to write it about. 

Anders Christian Sivebæk

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