I am about to be really fed up of the virus shit!!!

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at cti.gr
Sun Oct 27 18:04:44 CET 2002


> send a mail to whoever is the host of the infected Greek in Korinth and ask
> them to end their services for that bas....

I don't want to sound critical, but considering that said bas... could
well be some unlucky person who has no idea that his machine has been
infected, shouldn't you be a bit more reserved in your judgment regarding
his ancestry? It's not as if they're sending the viruses intentionally!

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at cti.gr)
	      	(WWW:    http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis)
"I prefer to put my faith in the mind probe!"

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