Komix #173

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at cti.gr
Tue Oct 29 13:56:51 CET 2002

Here's what's in this month's issue of Komix:

* Cover by Carl Barks. I have put a scan of the cover at
* Two pages of letters.
* A two-page article titled "Tricks and Treats", subtitled "dark fun by
  Carl Barks".
* Carl Barks' "Trick or Treat" (WDD 26-02).
* A two-page article titled "Three Most Intelligent Ducks", subtitled
  "Hewey, Dewey, Louie: Donald's nephews".
* Luciano Bottaro's "La Fatucchiera" (J 236-A).
* A two-page article titled "Mister Bottaro", subtitled "The Italian
  maestro of subversive humor".
* A one-page ad masquerading as an article about action figures or
  some such.  [Sigh!]
* "Sneeze Machine" (WDC 273-05), drawn by Jack Bradbury and written by
  Don Christensen.

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at cti.gr)
	      	(WWW:    http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis)
"I often wish I could be as nice as me."

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