Mickey's dad, a criminal (about unpublished material)

Goofy313g@aol.com Goofy313g at aol.com
Tue Oct 29 21:36:52 CET 2002

I think the idea of Mickey's father being a criminal is a good one, as 
several of his ancestors have been (Tony Toponi, Rattinger,...). But maybe 
this detail should stay hidden, and not used in a story... This would explain 
why we never meet him, wereas we met Minnie's parents. Mickey probably 
doesn't speak to him anymore...

About the unpublished material, i like to consider it as a fact, only when it 
doesn't go against the final story (for instance, in Don Rosa's sketches, 
Grandma is with Scrooge at the gold rush, and i don't consider this detail as 
a fact, as in the final Lo$, he meets her in Duckburg, but there is nothing 
against saying that Potcrack McDuck, an ancestor of scrooge from Don's 
sketches, existed, so i consider he existed...). I think you can use 
unpublished sketches and ideas to *complete* final stories. But if you 
consider all disney stories ever published as one universe,  you already 
can't consider some facts as true facts (for instance, you'll have to make a 
choice between considering that Scrooge is Grandma's brother or his son's 
brother-in-law, in how many different stories do the heroes discover the 
Horse of Troyes, for instance, or Atlantis? you'll have to chose one story 
among dozens of stories... )You already hardly manage to tie all this stories 
together, to find explanations, ... So including unpublised materials won't 
be the best solution, of course...
So I only use to consider the *masters*'s unpublished ideas, when it's 

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