KRITON - dame

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at
Fri Sep 6 18:05:57 CEST 2002

> The word in question is "dama", from the latin "domina", meaning
> in italian both the checkers game and "dame", or lady, actually
> its primary meaning, although a bit out of date, perhaps... :-)

That's the same word they used in Greek, except that "dama" in Greek
means something like a female dance partner, which is why I said that
the word-play is quite stretched in Greek.

> However, I think the english word "dame" is, or was, also used
> to designate the queen piece in the chess game, and since the
> board used is the same, they might have used that in an
> hypotetical english translation, although it would have taken
> quite a bit of turning phrases around, I guess.

I don't know if dame has this meaning in English, but since it wasn't
the queen piece that the Beagle Boys had stolen, it would take a *lot*
of turning phrases around!

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at
"A minute without you is like sixty standardized seconds."

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