Dutch comic convention in Den Bosch

H.W.Fluks@kpn.com H.W.Fluks at kpn.com
Wed Sep 11 21:06:20 CEST 2002

While Rosa is in Norway, and Leach is on his way to Denmark, the Dutch will
have there annual comics convention this weekend (14+15 September) in Den

One thing they will do is celebrate 50 years of Dutch DONALD DUCK weekly.

I don't know HOW they will celebrate though. All I know is that there will
be an exhibition. And the usual stand with Disney artists will be there.

Anyway: I will be there on Saturday afternoon.
So maybe I'll see you there - or at least some of you. 8-)

http://inducks.org/dd50/ (Dutch)
http://inducks.org/dd50/xindexeng.html (English)

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