political comics
Soeren Schridde
sschridde at web.de
Wed Sep 25 01:30:56 CEST 2002
Hi all,
I didn't read about this in the ML so far, so I wanted to tell you:
In the German weekly Micky Maus the editors did some things relating
to the (at that point) upcoming election of the German parliament.
They published several stories related to politics over the last
weeks and also did some elections for the major of Duckburg. An
indirect link to the actual campaigns in Germany was the name of a
small boy in one of the stories: Gerd-Edmund, mixing the first names
of the two candidates Gerhard Schroeder and Edmund Stoiber...
Candidates with the actual no. of votes:
- Donald 3525
- Micky 2118
- Scrooge 925
- Goofy 890
- a Beagle Boy 377
- Grandma Duck 361,
but the votes sent in by snail mail still not included.
In their newsletter Ehapa stated they got even a request from a
famous German museum (don't remember which, but related to German
history and/or politics) for the albums to be archived.
What are your comments on this, i.e. following actual main topics in
the "adult world" with stories and interactive things?
And another thing that puzzled me lately:
In some albums included are reader polls to be sent back as feedback.
In the case of the weekly Micky Maus, not targeted towards
collectors, but mainly on kids, should an relatively old collector
like me (26) send that in?
I fear that my judgment on pages containing special interest stuff /
no comics will be different from that one of the average buyer of it.
So do you see the danger, too, to take influence promoting my own,
"not target-group" opinion in a way that moves the product "Micky
Maus" away from the opinion's group that pays the most!
Yours, SoerenSoeren Schridde
Diskussionszitat zur Notwendigkeit von Datenschutz:
>Versucht mal, einem Durchschnittsmenschen die
>Wichtigkeit von Datenschutz zu erklären! Da kommt
>immer nur: "Ich hab doch nix zu verbergen!"
Frag mal Deine Nachbarin, ob sie damit einverstanden ist,
wenn der Briefträger vor ihren Augen ihre Post öffnet,
den Inhalt mit dem Lesestift abscannt und ihr erklärt,
diese Unterlage jetzt zur Polizei zu bringen, damit sie
dort sieben Jahre gespeichert und ausgewertet werden kann.
Das ist vielleicht ein bisschen weniger abstrakt als
vgl. http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/special/enfo/7968/1.html
Martinistr. 52, 49078 Osnabrueck, Germany, Earth
eMail: sschridde at web.de (2nd: sschridde at gmx.de)
Tel./Fax: Acc.Code+ (0)541/44063343
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