LoT, German Christmas story by Rota

Soeren Schridde sschridde at web.de
Sun Dec 21 01:05:12 CET 2003

Hi all,

maybe a dumb question, but it bothers me too much, and a fellow DCML 
member answering me in private didn't know either (let's call him 
Pound Big in disguise as he didn't know the answer either ;-) )...

If I am not wrong, "L_o_T"- is always used as abbreviation for ROSAs 
masterpiece "Life _a_nd Times of Scrooge McDuck"...

Why not "L_a_T", then? I understand it that the "o" can't stand for 
"of" as there is no "t" to come after the of?
Do I get something grossly wrong or is there a sensible explanation / 
origin for this?

Besides that I wanted to point out that I very much liked a two-part 
Christmas story featurign Scrooge, published in this and next week's 
german Micky Maus (D2003-043), by Marco Rota.

It's another variation of the "cold shell, though nice in hiscore" 
theme... with a strong role of a small, beaked, poor boy, and what's 
worth a dime...
Don't want to spoil too much, just wanted to pinpoint on this story, 
as only VERY FEW stories NOT by Rosa or Barks made me shiver so 

And thus I also got a nice transition to wishing you all nice 
christmas (or Wednesday, for those not celebrating it (If I remember 
correctly, credits for that expression need to go to Don)) and a 
happy, successful new year.


Soeren Schridde
Soeren Schridde

--- member of the AAAAA
(Anonymous Association Against Acronym Abuse) ---

Stader Str. 206, 21075 Hamburg, Germany
eMail: sschridde at web.de  (2nd: sschridde at gmx.de)
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