DCML digest #1244

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Thu Feb 6 15:44:56 CET 2003

From: olaf at andebyonline.com
Subject: Mailing comics etcetera / Don Rosa calendar
>>>How should I wrap it so that it will still look like a calendar when it
arrives in São Paulo?

Put large, flat, flimsy things like that in a mailing tube... I've mailed
several of those calendars autographed to friends, so I can give you two
hints: Make it a mailing tube of a large diameter. And also I'll tell you in
advance that the rear page, which is a heavier stock than the rest of the
calendar, will get creases formed in it no matter how carefully you roll it.
But the other pin-up pages will be okay.

>>>One question: In the text Don Rosa has written for every month, it says
where to find the D.U.C.K. dedication. (Which in my opinion is bad - I
prefer reading the texts before I examine the picture, and it's hard to
avoid the part about the D.U.C.K.!) But _not_ in the text for December! Why
is that?

I dunno. Those texts were originally written for the Finnish version of that
calendar, and I see the "D.U.C.K. spoiler" in that version. But I gather
that you'll consider it "bad" if I tell you where the dedication is hidden?
So, okay, I'll just tell you it's there, and not obscured by the colorist as
were some other of the dedications in the calendar. Just keep looking. If
you give up, lemmee know.

>>>>Is it because it looked better to end the calendar with "happy New Year
and thanks for being the world's greatest Duck fans"

Your message is the first notification I've had (not being able to read
Norwegian or much of anything else) that the Norwegian translator took the
words that I thought I was writing exclusively to Finland and translated
them as if I was writing them to Norway. Norway is high on the list of
"world's greatest Duckfans", but I'm afraid they do not quite match those in
Finland. I guess the DON ROSA CALENDARs in Sweden and Denmark had me calling
those countries the "world's greatest Duckfans", too, eh? How insincere I
must be! Typical American!

 From: <H.W.Fluks at telecom.tno.nl>
> For all our friends across the Big Pond, Don will be in Naples,Italy
> on March 7-9,2003.  Luca Boschi may be able to provide details
> on this show and directions.
>>>I'm going there too. Anyone else having plans to go there?

Me. I do.

>>>This is indeed about Washington throwing a coin over the Potomac river
(where, I think, Washington city was then founded). I don't know the details
about this piece of American history, though.

Really, can you throw a coin over a river?! We're talking about the Potomac,
a full-size river!
And he didn't chop down his father's cherry tree, he didn't stand up in the
rowboat crossing the Delaware River (because he's not stupid) and last I
heard he didn't really have wooden false teeth. This is all we can come up
with for a "cultural mythology" when we only have some gentleman farmers and
200 years of history to work with. We do our best!

By the way.... and it doesn't seem to be happening... but I sure hope no one
starts alerting the DCML of all the Barks items for sale on eBay like
someone suggested. There are thousands of Barks items on eBay every moment,
and everyone here is free to go check them out and easily find them all
*instantly* by simply typing "carl barks" into the eBay keyword searcher.
Anyone can do it anytime of the day or night. But, sure, if somebody spots
an auction for something REALLY unusual, like if someone is reselling the
art from the deleted scenes from "Back to the Klondike" or Barks' wooden
false teeth or sumpin', that might be worth noting. Anything else we can all
find for ourselves as easily as we read the DCML.

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