
Michael Schartau Michael.Schartau at flygtaxi.se
Tue Feb 18 11:12:33 CET 2003

kålrabbi (ty. Kohlrabbi, av ital. cavoli rapi (plur.), av cavolo 'kål' och rapa 'rova'), knutkål, Bra´ssica olera´cea ssp. ace´phala var. gongylo´des (syn. var. caulora´pa),

kålrot, Bra´ssica na´pus ssp. napobra´ssica (kålrot = swede, turnip, am. eng. also rutabaga )

Kohlrabi and Swede (turnip) is *not* the same thing. 
A kohlrabi is green-white and looks loke a "sputnik" as someone wrote. A swede is white-yellow and I prefere it mashed.


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