some stuff (mostly OT)
Magnus Bark (Farbror Skojskoj, en av de tjocka farbröderna) @ DCML (-) Disney Comics Mailing List (import)
9729 at
Sat Feb 22 00:00:05 CET 2003
Jag är rätt säker på att jag fick paketen från Borås och betalade
fakturorna till något av postens dotterbolag.
/ Magnus Bark (Farbror Skojskoj, en av de tjocka farbröderna)
Previous text:
>2003-02-21 23:55:
>Subject: some stuff (mostly OT)
>To Don:
>No, analyzing takes away the magic. You've got the storytelling talent,
>and just KNOW when it's good. And it would be good in only that way, to be
>your thing. Like when someone makes music, and just knows how to make it
>perfect, because he/she feels it, without having to analyze how it's done,
>it's just there. I love it when that happens, it's so nice to have
>something like that (and in my sleepy state now, I was wondering what my
>talent is? well, there's is always something, and the greatest way of
>using it, is to use it to make it even better and to make other people
>happy with it.
>Ha, now I know one! I make good bread! And that makes people happy also,
>at least those who are closeby when it's done...)
>To Sigvald:
>Yep, I saw when you wrote that the first time, but forgot to answer you
>(it's a bit OT also, don't you think, so perhaps I should've answered you
>privately): Nope, there are some wiegerts out there after all, even
>though it's fairly uncommon in scandinavia, so as far as I know,
>we're not related.
>To Roy Kooijman:
>I guess your mail was meant as some kind of funny approach. I would like
>to be kind now, but I'm suffering from sinusitis (ie long cold with lots
>of fever that never ends) and it's late, so I'm not in my kind-mode This
>is also OT, so people not interested can just skip the part.
>I call it mobbing. I don't approve. Perhaps you don't care, but I really
>feel I need to say this. There are so many kinds of persons out there, and
>so extremely different. Some are perfect social beings, who know what to
>say and when. Some find it more difficult, and some perhaps don't notice.
>It doesn't matter who is who or what, I cherish all the different kinds,
>for what I can learn from them and for the coloring they give to the
>world, even if it can be inappropriate from time to time. Or other people
>THINK that it is so. No matter what, PLEASE don't write messages like
>that, do you really want to hurt another human being? I don't want to hurt
>you by writing this, it's just that these things are SERIOUS! and, quite
>frankly, horrible. So please be nice! and if you meant it all as a
>goodhumoured subtle joke (too subtle for me I'm afraid), just disregard my
>message... (or yell at me privately :)
>now, be kind, all of you....
> _
> ('> ---------------------------------------------------------
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> //" SE-439 92 Onsala, Sweden home: 031-811364, 070-4831211
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