DCML digest #1276

Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Fri Feb 28 14:45:23 CET 2003

From: "Martin Kristensen" <martinnyg at hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Dons next story
>>>>I would like to ask this: What will this next story be about ?

It's just a short (13-page) "gag" story so there's not much to tell without
giving away the whole plot.
I seem to have unintentionally started a series that all of my "gag" stories
fit into. The stories always star only DD & U$, and begin as a quiet day at
the Money Bin, some big magilla starts, there's lots of running around, then
it all ends up back at the Money Bin, and DD gets the worst of the deal. The
stories that seem to match this form are "A Matter of Some Gravity",
"Attaaack!", "Forget it!", "Trash and Treasure" (the one I just sent in),
and perhaps "The Coin".

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