Winter meeting

Anders Christian Siveb¾k anders_sivebaek at
Sat Jan 11 10:18:43 CET 2003

Dear friends
Belated because of my being busy, here's a report from the one year
jubilee meeting in DDF(R) - the Danish Donaldist Society. 

We had planned this meeting for some time - sadly two who had first signed
up for it, couldn't come in the last place. - We missed you, Olaf & SKO!
The evening before departure I simply had to find our friend Sigvald - so
i phoned his father in Norway and after a couple of calls i found him and
made sure that we were all meeting at the same spot. 
The next morning  (29th of december) I took the train bound for Copenhagen
- In Frederecia Thomas got on - in odense Søren also got in and we began
to experience the mistake in having got tickets in the relax wagon - we
were hushed around 5 times by the ticketpeople. 

We met at 11.20 at The main station - Sigvald had spend the night at his
uncles brother. 
We took the train to Birkerød where Mads lives. We hadn't got the right
time times at all, so it took a bit time before mads and his father
fetched us. - We're getting a tradition in the society, btw, of being too
many persons in one car at a time. 
When we got to mads place we asked his father i a 3 in front of the house
number wouldn't be fitting? 313 it would become if so. 
Jacob turned up and 6 persons were together. Thomas, Søren, Sigvald, Mads,
Jacob and me - we exchanged comics now - Sigvald had a lot of norwegian
issues for me. I haven't even finished sorting them yet, but me norwegian
collection is getting more and more complete. 
We started our meeting - a general meeting where some firmer rools were
discussed - the danish name was changed a bit, into Dansk
Donaldist*-*Forening (notice the line)
There was a good friendlky tone at the meeting where member no. 2 (me)
made a speech about what we have been doing this past year. Then the
economy-responsible (me) talked about the economy of the socirety - it's
plus so far. 
We had a birthday cake at the meeting - Jacob had made this (see photos at - arrangementer - vintermødet)
We also had Mads' mother famous lasagne with salad - it was delicious!
We had an auction selling the special things we brouht to eachother for
more or less astronomous amounts of danish kroner. from 25 øre
(corresponds to cents) to 70 kroner were the prices. 
Later we had a quiz - made by Sigvald. I can proudly tell that i won... :-)
We had a great evening, listening to interviews, studying new paper
clippings, admiring mads' Scrooge toy from Disneyland - I think we didn't
sleep untill 12 or so. 

The next morning we thought we got up early. - But at the bus and at the
train it begang to show that we wouldn't be at the shops untill after
opening time. The first shop we visitted was Fantask - i believe it's the
oldest coimic shop in Northern Europe or such??
Søren, one of the owners and a regular Barks expert took us to the first
floor, where we bought  pokcet books, reprints and original Anders And &
Co. - i even got a look at some first editions from 1949 - they were
usually in a safe. 
The store also had many american Gladstones. Thomas and i introduced our
coming Rosa index to the owners, who sounded like this thing would sell in
the store - they're also willing to give material about our club, when
they get it. 

We carried on to Faraos Cigars, another of Copenhagens good comics shops.
We found good stuff here too - i completed a bit more of my collection of
old Anders And's. In this shop I even met a Rosa-fan apart from telling
the guys at the cashier about our index and our society. 
Sigvald found two Blueberryt albums here - no. 11 and 12 containing a
story which is one of the inspiration soruces for Don's The Lost
Dutchman's Mine if we're not mistaken. 

We now carried on to Egmont - After taking a picture of a large drawing in
one of the windows of the usual main building we went to the place where
the entrance is at the time being 8they're rebuilding the reception). We
met David on the 4th floor. and were shown to his office where the floor
was filled with doubles from many countries. Serve yourself were David's
words and so we did. Polish, czech, german, norwegina, swedish, italian,
finnish issues were here. i got myself a good deal of polish comics - to
be lended to a friend I have here - she can read the stuff, as she's lived
here for 9 years, and before that, in ... you guessed it, Poland. 
We talked with david about many things, eg. the state of the danish
issues, which David told us was not something he could do much about. The
ECN gives the local publishers what they want. We readers would sure like
a magazine in Denmark like Komix, Zio paperone or the like. but would it
sell - that's the one big question...

We left at around 5 after having had a great time at David's office. I'm
afraid we didn't take as many doubles as David had wanted us to do... i
for one simply knew i couldn't carry more that i had already taken...
sorry about that, David ...
We went to a chinese restaurant where we had a great dinner. It seems to
become a tradtion too that we have to get something duck-related when we
eat (square eggs or the like) - so this time many of us took - hang on,
we're not canibals or such...: Duck in salad! 
I didn't eat much of the salad but had a lot of rice - we generally shared
our menues and parted the bill in 7. 
We parted on the way to the main station - and finally meet Sigvald uncles
brother there too. Thanks for a great couple of days we said tpo eachother
and Thomas, Søren and i took the train on. Luckily we didn'øt have relax
seats this time so we could talk as much about Donald as we wanted to. i
guess the peoplke in our wagon did guess that we must be some kind of fans
of that character...

That was the trip. I hope to meet you guys again soopn - it's always so
nice to meet you. 
See you in week 7, Sigvald!

Anders Christian Sivebæk

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