SV: Barks font

Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. sigvald at
Fri Jan 24 20:22:46 CET 2003

Thomas Pryds Lauritsen wrote:

> Inspired by the recent discussion about the
> Carl Barks font offered on the German
> Donaldists' webpage, I decided to extend it
> with various accented and other special
> characters plus the Greek alphabet.
> Everything is done by twisting, combining,
> and in other ways modifying existing letters
> of the font (where possible) so that as much
> as possible of it would resemble Barks'
> writing style.

Thanks, Thomas! Many Donaldists in many
countries will be very happy now!

> I am almost done -- and when I am, I will of
> course offer it to the German Donaldists for
> them to publish it on their website.

And I hope that they will do that!

By the way let me tell you all that I didn't
know that the old version of that font wasn't
a project decided by D.O.N.A.L.D. themselves
but rather an old one man's work. If I had
known that I would have been more carfully
with my shoice of words in my first message
about this topic - I am sorry, and hope that
nobody was upset about it.

And as we Norwegians use to say:
With a happy ending, everything is OK!

Sigvald :-)

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