Heymans and Rosa styles

Rob Klein bi442 at lafn.org
Sat Jan 25 03:03:12 CET 2003

For Sigvald: Personally, I think the drawing styles of Mau Heymans and Don Rosa 
are very different.  If Eddy van Schuylenburg gave Don some pages by Mau as 
examples of "standard Dutch Duck style" after having seen Don's artwork, he 
found it necessary to do that, because he thought Don's style was so different 
from Mau's, and the "standard Dutch Duck style"  That style, I believe was 
originally based loosely on Barks' style, and on the styles of Daan Jippes, 
Freddy Milton and Ben Verhagen, which formed what I consider, 
the 'Renaissance', or "New Golden Age of Oberon". (Harry F. and Daniel may 
differ on that opinion?). 

If the Dutch editors had Mau "touch-up" Don's artwork, Don's style was 
different enough to be non-standard, and thus non-printable as is. If the 
styles had been fairly close, there would have been no need to change Don's 

I think Mau has developed himself into quite a good artist, and his writing is 
good, as well.  He is one of my favourites. There should be lots of enjoyment 
waiting for you in discovering his backlog of skillfully drawn stories.

I know everyone knows about Daan Jippes (my favourite, after Barks). But, if 
you like Heymans too, you should also check out stories by Freddy Milton (late 
1970s and 1980s), Ben Verhagen (late 1970s-early 1990s)and Jan Gulbransson 
(from mid-1980s-1990s -his earlier work, like Mau Heymans' very earliest work 
wasn't so good IMO). Also, Volker Reiche's 5 stories for Oberon are well worth 
looking at, as are several of Michel Nadorp's best stories.

Some other Dutch artists with interesting styles(if not the highest quality 
drawing) were Mark deJonge and Jules Coenen.

Rob Klein

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