Barks font

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at
Mon Jan 27 08:16:19 CET 2003



It looks beautiful!

> In general I am interest in whether the letters appear as handwritten
> Greek letters would,


> and in particular I wonder about the two small
> versions of sigma (which I have made alike since here the small letters
> are "just" small capitals)

Being a "small caps" version of the capital letters, that's OK. However,
I think that your sigma can be improved a bit: the top and bottom lines
should be straight, or slightly curving outwards, and the angle should
be more prominent. It should look more like a rotated M.

I loved your ksi, which you've probably drawn from scratch, though I
think that the lines are too thin to match the other letters in the
font. Perhaps it would be a better match if you based the letter on the
horizontal lines from F. (Which, along with Barks' E and M, also shows
that Barks wouldn't have made the middle line so short.)

> and if I got the omega right from the
> description Kriton made some days ago.

It looks great, though the same comments apply as for ksi.

> Thanks in advance!

Thank YOU!

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at
"One small step for Mankind, one great leap, or words to that effect."

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