Sigvald and Don Rosa H.W.Fluks at
Mon Jan 27 11:07:57 CET 2003


> > That indicates that Heymans does Don Rosa like
> > art - dosen't it?
> >
> > If you mean "Heymans does like Don Rosa art",
> > then the answer is: no, definitely not.
> No, I ment exactly what I wrote.

If you make less typos and spelling mistakes, it becomes more clear what you
("Rosa like" should at least be "Rosa-like" to make sense out of your

> Anyway do yo know if the Heymans art is in the
> Dutch version only or even in the standard
> version?

There is only one printed version. The story has the same printed artwork

When you look at the story, the Heymans Ducks are clearly different from the
rest (even when they were inked by Rosa).


> Why would you think that the only version that exists of this 
> story is what was printed in a Dutch comic?
> I have the only original version of that
> story, and it's 100% MY art. No touch-ups by anyone.

You once explained to us that Heymans sketched the Ducks on page 1, plus two
heads elsewhere in the story. Then you simply inked his sketches.
Are you saying that there's a different *inked* version of this story ("On a
Silver Platter")?
If that is so, then that version may be regarded "original", but since it's
not printed anywhere, you can hardly call it a "standard" version.


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