Mau Heijmans' (or any other artist's) feelings

Kai Saarto ksaarto at
Tue Jan 28 20:23:22 CET 2003

Daniel van Eijmeren wrote:

> [...]
>>I must agree with you, Simo. Latest Mau Heyman should have never seen 
>>print in my humble opinion (the story in right). You can see there is 
>>no love involved in his work. Even if the script is good, this kind of 
>>artwork makes it look bad.
> You only see art that you dislike.
> By just looking at the art, you cannot know what the artist's feelings 
> were when drawing it.

I must admit that you're right. I generally don't like Mau Heymans' 
style, somehow I find his brother's style to be somewhat more lively, 
even though they are very similar. All in all, I prefer styles that are 
more similar to Barks or Vicar as they are my favorite artists from 

Anyway, I can't tell what he was feeling when he did the art to that 
story. I am sorry that I deigned to make such a comment.

As you say, he might have matured as an artist and found his own style. 
I just preferred that older art in the left (check the link, above). I 
think the depictment of movement and facial expressions are much better 
in the that one. That made me to draw a conclusion that he did the 
artwork hastily.

At least Rob and Harry just came forward as fans of him, so his style 
must have something in it - something that I just can't see, not yet anyway.

- Kai Saarto

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