Norwegian weeklies

Stefan Persson spe at
Thu Jan 30 03:10:12 CET 2003

SBHSN at wrote:

> In a message dated 1/29/2003 9:08:17 AM Central Standard Time, 
> spe at writes:
> Jeg har vaert der fo/r, men det gjelder kun abonnement i Norge.
> They don't quote a foreign price. 

There *is* a foreign price on that page:

                   Norge (m/moms -- incl. VAT) -- Norden/Northern Europe -- Øvrige land/other countries

Helt år/whole year kr. 949,-                      Kr 1.529,-                Kr 1.649,-
Halvt år/half a yr kr. 449,-                      Kr 765,-                  Kr 825,-

There's no country field to fill in, though.


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