Not cricket from Pinoochio ?

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at
Thu Jan 30 13:16:20 CET 2003


> It struck me yesterday that the saying "not cricket" (means something
> like not fair play) might have something to do with the movie Pinoochio.

Cricket, apart from the insect, is a kind of game that is popular in
Britain, and is as wildly popular in the rest of the world as baseball
is popular outside the US. "Not cricket" means something like "not
according to the (complicated) rules of cricket", hence its association
with unfair play and breaking the rules.

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at
"...nd n th yr tw thsnd, th Cybrmn rlsd th cmptr vrs tht dstryd ll th vwls."

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