Help destroy all French lives (was Re: DCML Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1

Alan Boe roland3067 at
Wed Jul 2 01:44:18 CEST 2003

You can easily help do your part by simply avoiding
any French owned
business in your local neighbourhood.

For example, if there is a French owned restaurant, or
cafe, or bakery
(all easily identifiable) simply don't give it your
custom. Never.

This approach will be particulalry devastating to
French owned
businesses outside of France where they cannot rely
upon a lot of
French nationals for patronage. Don't give them your
money. Starve
these people of business revenue, and they will soon
be out of
business. They will have no income. Help make the
French pay for their
arrogant behaviour against the US, UK, Spain,
Australia, and other
nations of the Western Coalition.

It doesn't matter where you are in the world, you can
easily avoid
using French owned businesses. Not just food outlets
and restaurants,
but any business that you know is French owned.

Help destroy French lives, the French deserve this
lesson, a lesson
they will have to live with and remember forever.

Help put French people out of business.

Mornave --- Gary Leach <bangfish at> wrote: >
> > 1. Gladstone needed a separate OK from Disney to
> print albums under a 
> > different title.
> > Just like they at first weren't allowed to print
> "Uncle Scrooge" 
> > albums (they got a separate licence for that later
> on).
> Once Gladstone had a license to print Disney comics
> and albums (again), 
> that was all that was required. No separate license
> for Uncle Scrooge 
> was necessary. Album title changes were due to the
> U.S. Postal Service 
> and their changeable regulations.
> > 2. Albums with Grandma Duck and Daisy Duck stories
> only would not sell 
> > as well as Donald or Scrooge (or even Gyro).
> That, I'm afraid, is one of the main reasons that
> those stories did not 
> make it into color albums. Originally the Gladstone
> plan was to do 
> everything, but by the time we got around to the
> Daisy and Grandma 
> material we were no longer in a tenable position to
> publish what we 
> knew would not sell as well as what we had been
> publishing.
> > Correct: I read in an interview that Geppi has no
> plans to print 
> > "graphic novels" at all.
> What this refers to - if we're talking about the
> same interview - is 
> the 8 1/2" by 11" album format, which has never
> managed to be terribly 
> popular in the U.S. The smaller, 5" by 7 1/2" (or
> thereabouts) trade 
> paperback format, though, is very popular, and that
> is what we are 
> going into with our 128-page "Take-Along Comics"
> line. The first issue 
> ships later this month, and will feature "pocket
> book" style Donald, 
> Mickey, and Uncle Scrooge stories that have not been
> published before 
> in North America.
> The somewhat larger, 6 5/8" by 10 3/16" (or
> thereabouts) trade 
> paperback format is also a possibility for a revived
> CBLiC series, 
> though, as I might have mentioned here before, no
> formal plans have 
> been made as yet.
> Gary
> _______________________________________________

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