Bad timed campaign

Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. sigvald at
Wed Jul 2 03:15:31 CEST 2003

Alan Boe <roland3067 at> wrote:

> You can easily help do your part by simply
> avoiding any French owned business in your
> local neighbourhood... Help make the
> French pay for their arrogant behaviour
> against the US, UK, Spain, Australia, and
> other nations of the Western Coalition...

First: this is really off-topic!

Second: you are forgetting that he French were not alone. The Germans, the
Russians, the Belgians and the Swedes was supporing them strongly.

Third: this is bad timing - this issue was hot in April, not now!

Finally: even though I don't see this posting being appropriate for DCML, I
hope that it explains why I mentioned this topic when Don Rosa's relations
to Picsou were debated in April.

PS! This is *no attempt* of defending my actions at that time - it was still
*wrong* of me to come up with those speculations around DRs relations with
Picosou. I am still very sorry about that careless goof of mine.


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