Phantom of Notre-Duck and Zorro (DCML digest, Vol 1 #672 - 12 msgs)

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Sun Jul 6 17:22:24 CEST 2003


>> About organs: I think Catholic churches don't have organs, and that 
>> they were introduced in protestant churches after 1570. Is that true? 
>> (Just curious.)

> I'm not an expert on this matter, but in São Paulo, Brazil, there 
> is an old Catholic cathedral (Catedral da Sé) with an old, big and
> impressive organ in it.
> And I also remember that nice Zorro's TV episode where Don Diego
> plays an organ in a Catholic church.

Reading this, I'm tended to think that in Barks' "The Phantom of 
Notre Duck" (US 60), the phantom looks and acts a bit like Zorro. 

Could this mean that Barks's story may have been inspired by this 
Zorro episode, or by a comic book adaption of that episode, in case 
any exists? 

Or could it be the other way around, namely the Zorro's TV episode 
having been inspired by Barks's story?

Barks submitted "The Phantom of Notre Duck" on 3 March 1965.
It was first published in Uncle Scrooge #60, November 1965.

What are the details of that Don Diego Zorro TV episode?

--- Daniël

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