The Custard Gun (continued)

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Mon Jul 7 15:28:32 CEST 2003

SIGVALD GROSJFJELD to me, 07-07-2003:

> It's stated by Donald after being creamed himself several times 
> by Gyro's new cream-rifle - a new weapon for hunting used to 
> blind the animal temporarily instead of killing it. Gyro had to 
> buy Donald and the boys a dinner after missing the wall of a barn 
> with his own cream rifle (he lost a bet with Donald).

Reading this funny description already makes me much more enthusiastic 
about the story.

Comparing the muddy Dutch version with the cleaner Carl Barks Library 
version, learns me that the ending of the Dutch version is slightly 

Dialogue of the last panel the Carl Barks Library:
nephew 1: "THE SIDE OF A BARN?"
nephew 2: "And he MISSED?"
Donald: "Naturally! Have some more dressing, boys!" 

In the Dutch translation, Donald says: 
"He hit the woman next door! Have some more mash, boys!" 

I find hitting the woman next door, a funnier gag. It hints at Gyro 
getting into the same trouble as Donald had during the story.

Or am I overlooking a joke in the original dialogue? Does "dressing" 
have a double meaning, for example? Or could the dressing be custard?
Last year I've had a Thanksgiving diner here in The Netherlands,  
prepared by an American girl. I liked it very much, but I also found 
it unimaginable sweet and mighty. So, I really wouldn't be surprised 
if American people put custard over their turkeys. Can someone let 
me know if that's the case?

I'm curious for comments.

--- Daniël

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