Reaction to vol 3 issue 26
Anders Christian Sivebæk
acsive at
Fri Jul 11 21:22:34 CEST 2003
Hi again
Still reading old dcml's I read Olafs mail from Wed, 14 May 2003 18:35:47
as a reaction to sigvalds mail. I have to say that was a very wellwritten mail.
I am only going to comment on this paragraph (I put it here, as it's some time ago)
>No, that only proves what the editors of the weeklies think of [Don]
Yeah, you're right there.
>I heard
>that they will put it on the front when _my_ first story comes (in Norway,
>that is) in six weeks - does that prove that I am a very important creator?
No, it proves that you are interesting to the norwegian reader - this story was done
by one of our country - lets read it.
I have the story in danish and swedish, no name there - but remember we've had danes
writing and drawing stories for years. - you are the first one in many years.
BTW I hope one of you norwegian friends have thought of me on the issue with that story?
>No, I'm not. The editors like Don Rosa, plus I guess they feel that putting
>his name on front pages would SELL more. (I hope no publishers reading this
>are offended.)
It's simply a fact. I have just been in Sweden - and I will tell about it here eventually -
and in every comic shop I went to, the name Don Rosa made a used issue of Kalle Anka
be worth 5 times as much as one without. Even 5 times as much as one with a story by
old CARL. These conditions are absolutely insane, but true. As a result of those prises
my swedish Rosa-collection is still incomplete - it could have been complete if I had used
another 700 kr on 28 issues...
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