DCML Digest, Vol 5, Issue 15
Anders Christian Sivebæk
acsive at mail.mira.dk
Sat Jul 12 15:27:42 CEST 2003
Hi all
Sigvald: Insane Swedes
Now that's crossing the line, but I almost see what you mean.
> Our social democrat neighbours showing their true capitalist identity?
I guess so - but really, it's just a showing of how the rules of supply and
demand work.
I'm sure if you had a comicshop and you knew you could sell these comics for
5 times
as much as the usual ones, then you would - I would... But also: I would
give discounts to
persons who buy a lot of comics, who show that they are fans. The owner of
in Stockholm, a shop that was recommended to me by friends on the swedish
ankism-list took
750 kroner for a stack of comics that we both counted up to 945. It included
the Live of Scrooge
in swedish - 600 kroner - one could say I got it for 400. It sells at some
shops for 1000 up there...
Now that's realy supply and demand - for Pete's sake the book is only 7
years old...
I got you, Sigvald a copy of it, at the price of a new one at a comic shop i
But yes, Don sells - look to the finns, whenever there is a Rosa-story in
Aku Ankka, as far as I
can see the price would go up a few markka, and now euroes. They now they
will sell the whole
bunch anyway, cause we insane completists will buy it nomatter what - eh?
> If Don Rosa is so da**ed important over there why have they seen less Don
> Rosa stories in print than in Denmark and in Norway?
They have adifferent publishing policy - many percent of the issues of KA go
to subscribers,
it can even be seen on the back of the comic where there's room for name and
That means they don't have to sell as much on the stands - thus they don't
have extra issues
so often, like we have in DK and Norway with Rosa or Barks-stories.
This has shown good for me, as I have found friendly swap-mates because of
Anyone still needing Columbus, King Scrooge or The Duck who never was? Oops
sorry, this is not the place... :-)
> Anyway IMO NAFS(K) should try to do something with the insane situation in
> the Swedish used comics market.
I don't think they can - one librarian I talked to for a while did agree
with an old
comic-shop-owner I met earlier that it might be the collectors who bring the
prices up -
as they overbid eachother - the collectors they most mentioned were the ones
Seriefrämjandet - any of you here?
BTW I hope my american friends here are enjoying the duck comics back in the
I saw some on the stands, but as I already have an agreement on the first
with the Dutchmam I didn't buy. I think I'll buy the next ones from Fantask,
the oldest
comic shop in Copenhagen, and most possibly one of the best too :-)
So I wont bring any of you to drewl when i tell you about this summer in our
danish weekly -
but it sure has been fine. Every summer the pagecount is enlarged to 96
(from 64) making
room for extra long, extra great stories.
Issue 27 was the first of these. It had The Menehune Mystery by Barks, this
story was printed
in a goldbook that I don't have, so I was delighteds to see this. (I decided
to finally collect these
goldbooks now, they have Barks classics all over them.) Also in issue 27
second part of a new
series (Mythic island or something like that?) starring Mickey and Goofy,
whereas the first part
starred the ducks. I'm looking forward to see next part - in issue 30.
Issue 28 has the unabridged version of a fine Marco Rota-story - it's been
published two times
before but then cut. (BTW I know this from the swedish edition - the danish
one forgets to tell...
and I start to wonder if I'm the only one who cares about such info??) the
extra pages also
contains a very old comic with Goofy, drawn by Wilfred Haughton - last time
I saw anything like
it was at David Gerstein's - did you have a finger here, Gerstein, my
Issue 29 - Let me exclamate: Hooray! The reason isn't the republication of
Don's On Stolen time,
no, finally they print Don's old drawings (from Gary Leach's story) Fiscal
fitness (AR 118).
These two pages can just make the day of a Rosa-completist like me. Now I
only need to get my
hands on the swedish edition, as Sigvald promissed to buy the norwegian one
for me (remember a
copy for yourself, friend). I hope the author and artist get this
publication, but if not I'll be glad to see to it.
That's all from me for now - Happy Quacking and all that
Yours delurking
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