Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr.
sigvald at
Sat Jul 12 18:03:28 CEST 2003
Don Rosa <donrosa at> wrote:
> If Don Rosa is so da**ed important over there
> why have they seen less Don Rosa stories in
> print than in Denmark and in Norway?
> First, you criticize the Swedish editors
> because they don't print my long stories that
> have never been broken into chapters by the
> central division of Egmont which supplies the
> material, stories that Sweden *can't* print
> because they do not publish the supplemental
> extra issues which can contain such long
> stories like Denmark and Norway do.
The do have 96p enlarged issues in where they print so-called:
"Sommar-lesning". So it's just a matter of priority. Apparently the editors
and the used comics sellers have varying views about the value of your
stories - and that was my whole point with that statement.
> Anyway IMO NAFS(K) should try to do something
> with the insane situation in the Swedish used
> comics market.
> Next you criticize my friends at NAFS(k)
> because... what?... they don't seize control
> of the Swedish government and impose some sort
> of cultural dictatorship on the entire nation?
No, no, no, but they can send letters to the stores menioned by AC and tell
them at there is no reason for having higher prices on KA-issues with your
stories than on similar issues with stories by other great artists like
Barks, Gottfredson, Murry, Van Horn, Rota, Scarpa, etc.
> May I suggest that you go to Sacandinavia next
> time you bring your wife Ann with you to
> Europe. At least here people can speak English
> and pursesnatchers are much fewer than in
> Napoli.
> Next, you move on, and, for no apparent reason,
> you insult Naples in particular and Italy in
> general (as opposed to a single reporter who
> might have been at fault or merely not quoted
> with perfect accuracy).
No, sir! You told us yourself about the situation in Naples (Napoli). I have
never been to Italy myself. Based on your own chritical description of your
experiences in Italy I tried to be polite and introduce Scandinavia as
anoher possible place for Ann to visit when going to Europe.
> Well, I am sure that serious readers as AC
> Sivebæk, Thomas Lauritsen and Søren Krarup
> Olesen much rather would prefer to see a
> classic like "Cash Flow" that has NOT YET
> seen print in Denmark and Sweden.
> Next, for no apparent reason, you insult anyone
> who prefers the work of Walt Kelly... And
> you put this same criticism into the innocent
> mouths of three other people.
First: it wasn't meant as any insult against anybody just a notian that
other people may prefere to se other stuff than that in print. Second: both
AC Sivebæk and Thomas Lauritsen have both previously told me that they very
much wants to see your "Cash Flow" printed in Denmark.
> Sigvald... have you ever considered the idea
> of the LURK mode?
OK, I take your hint and will go back to lurk-modus from I leave my home
tomorrow and at least until I return from Denmark in August.
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