Walt Kelly

SRoweCanoe@aol.com SRoweCanoe at aol.com
Sun Jul 13 14:09:58 CEST 2003

In a message dated 7/13/2003 12:59:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
cien2 at cbn.net.id writes:

> Kelly's works might NOT sell high compared to Don's but that does not 
> automatically mean he's less important. He might be less important to you but he 
> might be more important in the Disney comics history than you might have 
> think.
> But Sigvald, you can safely interpret high sales of Don's works means more 
> people are interested in reading Don's works compared to Kelly's but i dont 
> see the less amount of people reading/interested in kelly's works mean that's 
> Kelly is less important than Don.

Hard to believe that some folks on this list  (or is it  just one folk?) 
believe that "Walt Kelly" is an unimportant artist.  In the USA, Kelly is 
generally considered one of the greatest comic strip artists of the 20th Century ---
  -- certainly his name recognition factor among the general public is well 
above Barks or Rosa   --- 
   sure is odd how things are different....
    there is even an annual festival held about Kelly.

steven rowe
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