Disney Adventures Volume 13, number 6 (August 2003)
Shad Z.
shadz at email.com
Mon Jul 21 21:13:24 CEST 2003
Disney Adventures Volume 13, number 6 (August 2003)
This is probably the last time I will send this to the DCML, since us Americans are now getting lots of Disney comics goodness from Gemstone. Instead, I will learn how to be a contributor to INDUCKS and send Disney Adventures info directly there....
Matt Feazell's contents page doodlings ("Dizzy Adventures") are given story code JZ749
1) Finding Nemo: "A Lucky Move!", JZ750, 2 pages.
Story by Michael Stewart. Art by Fabricio Grellet and Magic Eye Studios.
Characters include Nemo and Squirt.
2) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl: "Revenge of the Pirates!", JZ751, 10 pages.
Story by Michael Stewart. Pencils by Steven Butler. Inks by Jim Amash.
Characters include Captian Jack Sparrow, Cotton (and his parrot), Gibbs, Anamaria, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan.
NOTE: If you have watched the movie's lengthy credits, you might have noticed that all the pirates in the movie (the ones on Sparrow's crew and the undead ones on Barbarosa's crew) have names. But in the movie proper, few of the pirates are called by name. If I could match the names with faces, there would be many more named characters in the list above.
3) Lizzie McGuire: "Summer Camp Blues!", JZ752, 1 page.
Story by John Green. No art credits.
Characters include Lizzie McGuire's cartoon alter-ego.
4) Lilo & Stich: "A Heavy Problem!", JZ753, 1 page.
Story by Michael Stewart. Art by Giovanni Rigano.
Characters include Lilo and Stich.
5) Kim Possible: "Rufus' Bad Day!", JZ754, 3 pages.
Story by Steve Behling. Art by Fabricio Grellet and Magic Eye Studios.
Characters include Kim, Ron and Rufus. Dr. Drakken's image appears on a video screen, but it later is revealed that the image was faked and Dr. Drakken doesn't actually appear in the story.
6) The Last Laugh: "Signs Your Camp Counselor Is Really Bigfoot!", JZ455, 1 page.
Written by John Green. Art by Kevin Rechin.
Shad Z. ^Q^
(ShadZ at rocketmail.com,ShadZ at email.com,Jackalope7 at go.com)
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