Secret message in Stranger Than Fiction?

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Wed Jul 23 16:21:49 CEST 2003

In panel 1.1 of Barks's "Stranger Than Fiction" (WDC 249), Donald 
reads a comic book titled "RIP ROARING COMICS".

Could "RIP" be a pun on the abbreviation "R.I.P."?

"R.I.P." means "rest in peace". So, if "RIP" is a pun, the issue 
title would mean "Rest in peace roaring comics".

At the time, Barks had to work with cheaper paper and some of his 
stories - like this very story - were cut down to make room for 
advertisements. I remember early 1960s correspondence in which Barks 
was worried about the future of comics. So, maybe this "RIP" title 
was an expression of his concern as well?

Ripping (as verb) means "tearing something apart". If this is a 
reference to the cutting (ripping) of comic book material, then "RIP" 
could even be a double pun.

My English is not good enough to be sure if these thoughts make sense.
I'm curious for comments.

--- Daniël

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