Gemstone mix rodney-selfhelpbikeco at
Thu Jul 24 14:45:19 CEST 2003

I assume that when some people make a request for stories featuring secondary characters, they want those stories in WDCS, and I think that's a good idea.  After all, that's what the title has *always* been.  If you only want to read duck stories, I suggest you read the Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck titles.  But even keeping those titles on an endless loop of reprints of Barks stories with Rosa stories tossed in for good measure is absurd.  There are plenty of other artists that deserve to be printed and reprinted.  

*MY* question is....what's a WDCS issue without a Paul Murray serial chapter?  This is something that I really want to see, as I missed out on most of them in the past, and have had a very hard time filling the gaps in my collection with that lone missing chapter that I always seem not to have.  I think each issue of WDCS should have 2 Mickey new one from Egmont, and a chapter of a Murray serial.


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