Mickey by Saturnino Calleja (Spain)

Carlos De Gregorio carlosdeg at mundofree.com
Sat Jul 26 16:40:23 CEST 2003

Didier wrote:
I was wondering if there would be a Spanish collector on the list that
could give me in-depth information about the Disney titles published by
publisher Saturnino Calleja in the '30s or that would know someone that
would have that info.

As far as I know, Satunino Calleja only published a Disney title,
"Mickey", with 16 issues between 1935 and 1936 (after that year, Spain
was at war). I have an issue, in very bad state. It has 16 pages aside
from the cover, and it includes Gottfredson strips, printed in two
colours (blue and red), with the text under the strip. The measures are
27,5 x 21 cm. I think this edition is very similar to another published
in France by Hachette, isn´t it?
The titles of the 16 issues are:
1- Aventuras de Mickey
2- Mickey en la casa encantda
3- Mickey buscador de oro
4- Mickey en el valle infernal
5- Mickey contra Ratino
6- Mickey vence a Ratino
7- Mickey boxeador
8- Mickey campeón
9- Mickey hace proezas
10- Mickey y los gitanos
11- Mickey en peligro
12- Mickey detective
13- Mickey y el tesoro
14- Mickey y los salvajes
15- Mickey en el Far West
16- Mickey Matamoros y Corre-Corre

Best wishes

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