LARS: Gemstone's mix?

Lars Jensen lpj at
Sun Jul 27 13:43:18 CEST 2003

Rich Bellacera wrote:

> I always envisioned a much bigger tapestry of adventure possibility
> for Moby.

I agree 100%.

> I wouldn't want Gemstone to take the same approach Marvel is, but
> maybe a happy balance of "young" or "contemporary" appeal with that of
> "old" or "nostaligia" appeal.

I agree again. The tough thing is, of course, to find that balance.

Other than that, you write that you *have* read (most of) those
subseries you mentioned in your earlier posting -- and you like them!
Well, you got me! In that case, obviously you *would* want to see as
much of it as possible in the Gemstone books. I still disagree regarding
the quality of some of this material, but as you write: "Everything is
subject to personal taste or preferences".

And I'm envious of your collection.


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