sloppy Egmontians: let the heads roll (I)

Nils Lid Hjort nils at
Wed Jun 4 01:25:02 CEST 2003

Mads Jensen informs us: 

<<Just turned the Rosa calendar into June, I read the note 
saying this: "In 1966 Carl Barks retired. Still, he made 
several Woody Woodpecker stories, and as late as in the 90's 
he came up with a brand new $crooge story." >>

Is this the Danish parallel to our Norwegian Rosa calendar?
In our version there is no such note? And no particular
note on Barks as such either -- it has a moderately long 
text by Rosa pertaining to the art chosen for June. 

Anyway, it's a Big Scandal that an editor or editorial
assistant makes such a mistake, confusing Woody Woodpecker
with the Junior Woodchucks. This is Basic Barksology 101
for anyone working with Egmont, *particularly* when they
produce a Donald-based calendar! 

I pointed out some weeks ago that they were not able
to spell "onsdag" (Wednesday) correctly, in a poster-size
calendar, whose point & main purpose is to inform the
local humans about the days of the week. But this is worse.
This is like confusing Ard Schenk with Kees Verkerk 
when producing a calendar for speedskating fans. 
Or mixing up Ringo Starr with Pete Best when writing 
the history of the Rolling Stones. Or Carl Philip
Emmanuel with Wilhelm Friedemann when making a documentary
on P.D.Q. Bach.   

Shame; shocking; tsk tsk; public exposure; laughing stocks;
write their parents; let the heads roll. 

Nils Lid Hjort  

... who after fuming over the kalendars can't resist giving 
this as language quiz du jour (or, rather, de nuit): which is 
the single word in proper Latin starting with the letter "k"?

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