Mini Barks quiz - one solution and a new quote

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Thu Jun 5 11:36:51 CEST 2003

In private, Santiago wrote to me:

>> "Well, back into the barrel with the FLEAS!"
>> (Hint: "Gaaah! There's a year's crop of SOOT in that pipe!")

> That's from Carl Barks' "Clothes Make the Duck" (W US 32-04). 
> I read it in last month Picsou Magazine, and I just broke in 
> laughter.

It's the correct answer.

Here's a new Barks quote, taken from an IMO beautiful story with 
great timing and great storytelling:

- - - - - - - 
"Where is your Uncle Scrooge?"
- - - - - - - 

Who will be the first to catch this one? 
Please reply to DCML.

--- Daniël

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