References to books?

Olaf Solstrand olaf at
Fri Jun 6 00:57:17 CEST 2003

Monsieur Jensen wrote:
> Having read today, I
> noticed the references to "Lord of the Rings", and wondered if there has
> been made similiar Duck stories, that refers to books, and/or other
> nondisney litterature ?

Dear Mads,

short respond: Yes.

Hundreds, maybe thousands.

A few examples, the ones I can remember without looking for them (with 
references to where you can find it in Denmark):

D 93252 "The Tinderbox" by unknown writer, drawn by Flemming Andersen -
 "Fyrtøjet", Hans Christian Andersen (Jumbobog 160)

I TL 1625-A "Topolina e la guerra de mondi" written by Alessandro Sisti, 
pencilled by Maria Luisa Uggetti, inked by Tiberio Colantuoni - "War of the 
worlds", H. G. Wells (Jumbobog 100)

I TL 1679-A "Le due tigri" by Giovan Battista Carpi - "Sandokan, the tiger of 
Malaysia" by E. Salgari (Jumbobog 102)

I TL 1743-A "Il mistero dei candelabri" by Giovan Battista Carpi - "Les 
Miserables" by Victor Hugo (Jumbobog 105)

I TL 1883-A "La storia (in)finita" written by Caterina Mognato, drawn by 
Giuseppe Dalla Santa  - "The neverending story", Michael Ende (Jumbobog 146)

These were A FEW, SIMPLE examples - those I remembered where to find so that I 
could dig them out of Inducks without searching too much for them. Give me an 
hour in my pocketbok-collection, and I can probably give you a hundred more, by 
names like Swift, Dickens, Verne... and SEVERAL others. Not to mention lots of 
stories about Italian litterature. (no wonder, as most of these stories are 
written in Italia)

Yes, references to books is a quite regular phenomenon - in fact, so regular 
that it's no phenomenon at all.

Olaf the Blue

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