moving money bin (US 15) (Re: The Elusive Barks Quote)

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Tue Jun 10 16:37:41 CEST 2003


>>> "What puny marks men make on the face of the land."
>> Here's a fairly good hint from the same story:
>> "My Bin and my ground and my ways will stay the same forever."

> The story where Scrooge's money bin is in the way of a turnpike? 
> (US 15, 1956.)

Ah yes, of course! Panel 6.1. I should have known it. (But I didn't!)

Now this story is mentioned, I reminded of panel 7.2 that looks very 
strange to me. To my eyes, the nephew and Scrooge somehow don't match 
together. The nephew does not look like Barks's style to me. And the 
tails of the balloons look like they're altered to match with the 
nephew and Scrooge.

My theory is that this is one of the instances where a final page was 
cut down to make room for an advertisement (in this case), a Dell 
Pledge, or something else. If so, then panel 7.2 may have been 
constructed by the editor, by using Barks's art and by drawing new art 

I've carbon copied this email to David Gerstein, maybe he can shine his 
(x-ray) light on my thoughts about this page. What do you think of the 
nephew, David? Is it drawn by Barks, or at least partly drawn by Barks? 
Or is it drawn by someone else than Barks, completely? What do you think 
of the panel's composition and the lettering? (To me it looks like a 
panel that possibly only contained Scrooge as close-up.) And do you see 
any signs of cuts in page 1 to page 6, and the other panels of page 7?

--- Daniël

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