Distribution of Gemstone's comics

Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. sigvald at duckburg.dk
Fri Jun 27 15:56:39 CEST 2003

Hi all!

Just a quick delurking in order to comment a much debated topic these days.

I can see that some people are disappointed with the distribution of
Gemstone's comics - no wonder as it seems (from my Scandinavian point of
view) that so far they have done a pretty poor job.

My friendly suggestion is that our friends in Gemstone should learn from our
friends in Egmont (like Byron Erickson or David Gerstein) who are very well
experienced in effective distribution of Disney comics. In the Nordic
countries there are no problems what so ever to find a copy of the weeklies
as they are even sold in every supermarket and in other grocery stores.

OK - back to lurk-modus again!


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