Ziche, Barbucci, Faccini

Paolo Castagno p.castagno at libero.it
Fri Mar 7 13:03:10 CET 2003


>> "BTW, I think Ziche is (toghether with Barbucci) the most
>> interesting
>> young artist here in Italy!"

> Don't forget to add Enrico Faccini to the list! :-)

You're 100% right! Faccini is yet another interesting one! And, IMHO,
it is not a coincidence that the best stories come out from
"complete" creators: people who both write and drawn their own

Here follow a short list of the stories appeared since 1998 on the
Italian main publication Topolino of stories both written and drawn
by the same author (hope the message won't be too scrambled by the
following list):

stories      Creator                 Pages
40           Enrico Faccini           195
21           Giuseppe Zironi          169
15           Pier Paolo Rovero         53
14           Silvia Ziche             185
7            Corrado Mastantuono      183
6            Alessandro Perina          6
4            Marco Meloni               4
3            Alessio Coppola            3
3            Maurizio Amendola         46
2            Giorgio Bordini           57
2            Luciano Bottaro           52
1            Davide Cesarello          26
1            Pier Dario Pennati        14
1            Sergio Cabella             9
1            Tiberio Colantuoni         5
1            Romano Scarpa             37
1            Marco Gervasio            30
1            Francesco Guerrini        25

BTW, for all the Ziche fans: it has just been issued a "one shot"
issue reprinting all the parts of "Papernovela" and "Topokolossal"
two funny stories (well, at least Papernovela is a very good one,
while I don't like very much Topokolossal) by Silvia!

  - Paolo

http://digilander.libero.it/inducks  mailto:p.castagno at libero.it

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