Take-Along book stories

Ari Seppi ari.seppi at iki.fi
Fri Mar 14 16:35:46 CET 2003

>Christopher Burton:
> > In the most recent Gemstone press release, they mention
> > that the three stories appearing in the first Take-Along
> > Books are The Deep, Panicking Pachyderm, and End of Days.
> > Would someone be so kind as to tell me who the creators
> > were for each of these stories?
>I think these stories are very recent, so they haven't shown up yet in a 
>European comic.
>This means there is no information yet in Inducks (http://inducks.org) 
>about them.
>At least I can't find the stories, looking by their titles.

Actually the duck stories have been published: in Finland - and in most
of the pocket book countries too, I think - End of Days was published in
November and The Deep in February (and apparently they were published
a month later in Poland).

They were both drawn by Massimo Fecchi, End of Days was written
by Rune Meikle and The Deep by Andreas Pihl.

>My guess is that all 3 stories are Danish (Egmont) production.

Your guess was right, at least about the duck stories.

>They probably chose Egmont stories instead of Italian stories, because
>the Egmont Ducks and Mice are more close to the traditional American
>characters. But I *do* hope Gemstone will print Italian stories too,
>later on!

Me too.

Ari Seppi (ari.seppi at iki.fi)

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