Fabio Blanco longtom at oeste.com.ar
Thu Mar 20 19:40:40 CET 2003

Mark wrote that to me... Like I love the argument, and I am not shoting
apart... I share with you...
Sorry, Mark. I think Bush is WORST than Hitler, only give him a chance...

>I can't believe that ignorant of Bush are assuming the title of emperor of
>world, and really really, I think is a new Hitler...


I strongly disagree with your statement condemning President Bush as
'ignorant,' 'assuming the title of emperor of the world' and as a 'new
Hitler.' Please, you must be kidding!!! Read some history regarding WWII and
who Hitler was and what he did. Most Americans support the President's
position and his decision to go to war (Don Rosa, apparently is not one of
them). Does that make Americans Nazis and wanting to be 'emperors of the
world?' Maybe you think so. Americans were united against Hitler and his
Nazi tyrrany. During WWII 295,000 Americans soldiers died fighting Hitler,
and not on U.S. soil but in Europe!!!

The U.S. government is NOT a dictatorship, regardless of what all the
anti-American propaganda around the world may allude to. It is a Democracy.
But it doesn't surprise me that most people around the world do not support
Bush and Blair, so your point of view is expected. The anti-American
movement in Europe and elsewhere is very familiar to us Americans. It's
unfortunate but we can live with that. But Hitler??? Please present your
point as a reasonable person with resonable facts. In my opinion, you're
only insulting your own intelligence.

Also, I feel that if you want people on the DCML list to stop responding on
this subject you should not have publically criticized him and then say
something like: "well, I don't want to discuss it any more, now that I got
the last word in." This is called a "parting shot."


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