Duckburg and Mouseton

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at
Fri May 2 08:52:03 CEST 2003


> 	He didn't *script* them after 1932, but he did *plot* them until
> 1943-

Can you elaborate a bit on what scripting and plotting are? I always
found these terms perplexing when reading the credits in Gladstone's MM
comic books.

My confusion probably stems from the fact that in computer lingo a
"plotter" is a machine that draws line drawings. Does plotting a story
have anything to do with drawing it, or does it refer to coming up with
the plot of the story, which the script-writer then turns into a script,
which is, in turn, turned into pictures by the artist?

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at
"Even a Vulcan will react when a silicon-based life form bites him in the 

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