A Serious Accident to Scrooge McDuck (1912)

Klartekst info at klartekst.no
Thu May 15 09:25:06 CEST 2003

<Michiel Prior wrote about the Titanic incident in Lo$:>
<A gruesome experience? Merely a funny (and dramatic, to be fair) passage 
in a comic.>

Sorry about this late response, but I respectfully disagree.

Jokes in the foreground while hundreds of people are drowning in the 
background? I couldn't believe my eyes when I read it, and whenenever I 
reread Lo$ I skip this part. It just makes me angry and upset. It is 
lightyears away from the duck universe that I know and love.

This is (in my opinion) the kind of trouble you can get yourself into when 
you place the ducks in the so-called real world. And with Don's annoyingly 
detailed artwork (his own words, I believe), the result is jarring. No, 

Few duck creators write about death, but one example of how it can be 
handled tastefully is found towards the end of "King $crooge the first" (U$ 
71). After drinking the antidote, the old king staggers of to the right - 
presumably to die right outside the panel border. The combination of Bark's 
script and Tony Strobl's art makes this a very touching moment.

Nils From Norway

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