
Martin Olsen martin_olsen at
Sat May 24 00:06:56 CEST 2003

Sigvald, I have seen several times that you rush your opinions into this mailing list, and I won't blame you for that. I remember that I myself rushed a few messages into the (snail)mail to Donaldisten when I was young, and a few times I realized after sending a letter to Pålemann that I had been hasty in my criticism of this and that. 
What I didn't do in those days was to try to defend opinions I found out to be unjustified. On the contrary, I apologized for my misjudgements when I found it due.

The thing I see you doing these days is trying to defend opinions *just because you have once stated them*. 
I believe you would make a much better figure on this mailing list if you would admit that you have been making hasty conclusions or that you have uttered some gibberish that doesn't make sense. 

As for the "White books" language list: *So what* if you felt annoyed by the omission of Swedish names. I couldn't care less what *you* felt about a book published 27 years ago. If you had wanted to know the Swedish names of the characters back in 1976, you could have written a letter to the Swedish Kalle Anka editors and asked them. Maybe your posts on this matter are really a sign of your frustration that you *didn't* write that letter back then?

Another thing: I have noticed that you have chosen to include a statement in almost every post that you do not intend to offend anybody. By doing so, you more or less invalidate your own statement: it's like issuing a blank check to yourself. I believe that you should leave it up to the recipients of your mailings to decide whether or not they are offensive.

Sigvald, I'm sure you're a nice guy, and I would like to meet you some day, but I hope I'll meet a more mature Sigvald than the one I see posting messages on DCML these days. Or - to put it another way - I hope to meet a Sigvald who appreciates the entire Disney creative bunch of people, rather than a fanatic Rosa-fan.


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