
Lars Jensen lpj at
Sat May 24 19:03:49 CEST 2003

Theresa Wiegert wrote:

> Really, Lars Jensen, Olaf, Sigvald...
> I'd like to see more reasoning like what Rob Klein just wrote - (kind,
> analysing, intelligent), less of yours (Ma, he hit me! But HE said...
> but he said that first! nag, moan...). Heh, ok, so now I'm doing the
> same...

Well, a quick check tells me I've written 18 out of the 489 messages
that have been posted on the DCML since May 1st, so I'm not sure what I
have done to deserve being singled out. And I'm not sure complaining
about Sigvald (in my opinion) speaking on my behalf and (in my opinion)
offending Swedes (and Christina) equals "Ma, he hit me! Nag, moan." Yes,
I could've cast down my eyes and accepted Sigvald's original posting as
the words of God, but I didn't. I dislike generalisations (especially
when they include me) and I dislike people being slammed because of
their nationality. Am I tough on Sigvald? Somewhat, yes, but only
because I know he can take it. Sigvald has strong opinions and is able
to take strong criticism for them.

Nevertheless, I agree with you: There are far too many negative, boring
and off-topic postings on the DCML these days. And yes, somebody
*should* make some positive, interesting and on-topic ones. It won't be
me, though. I am far too busy these days to start up any new
discussions. If somebody else starts up a new thread, and I believe I
have something to contribute, I may join in, though.

Back to work...


P.S: And as far as I'm concerned, the "Asian alphabets are rubble"
discussion is over. It has become increasingly off-topic, and I hope
everybody else feels the same way and drops this line of discussion.

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