what is "interesting"? and back on-topic.

rodney-selfhelpbikeco@juno.com rodney-selfhelpbikeco at juno.com
Tue May 27 22:46:08 CEST 2003

>I am tempted to start a (off-topic) discussion about the meaning and
>relevance of the word "interesting". 

Cord brings up a good point.  However, I must point out that the vast majority of the posts about the topic that made me write my reply (the whole language thing) has been carried for the most part (possibly all together, but I'm not sure as I've deleted several e-mails after looking at the subject title)by two people, which leads me to think that it's not interesting to most of us here.  Such discussions, after being beaten to the ground in a public forum, should continue to be carried on only in private correspondence, I think. 

To bring things back on-topic, has anyone seen a list of contents of US319 and WDCS634?  That's something I'd love to see.

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