About correctness in DCML

Geir J. Netland gjn at netcom.no
Mon Nov 10 00:57:30 CET 2003

> Think about it - still 99% or so off all Disney stories are 
> drawn in the "traditional style". Why is it so if I am the 
> only one in DCML who actually prefer Disney comics drawn that 
> way? IMO the only way to understand this is that other 
> DCMLers who tends to agree with me in this concrete matter 
> for some reason decides to remain quit

Perhaps because those other persons don't feel the need to tell "the
whole" world what they *don't* like?
I don't understand why it is so important for you to state what you
*don't* like?
My friendly advice:
If you don't like the way some artists draw, well, then *don't* read
their stories! And if you don't agree with a certain artist's
Duck-universe, then forget that you ever read his story! It works for
me, and now the "whole world" knows.......

Finally, I nominate Daniël's lates mail "the most way over the line"
mail this month. It's terrible to read such an attack here on DCML:(

Geir J. Netland

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