Character birthdays

Olaf Solstrand olaf at
Sat Oct 18 22:56:57 CEST 2003

Quoting Katie Sullivan <vazali at>:

> (Speaking of which, if Donald's birthday is Friday the 13th in
> Don Rosa's universe, no wonder he was fascinated by the history
> of that date in the Crusader Kings story!)  :)

Sorry to point out the obvious, but I can't help myself...

Although I also like the idea of Donald's birthday being Friday the 13th... 
Katie, you realize that's really impossible? Well, OK, it's not impossible to 
be born Friday the 13th. And it's not impossible to celebrate your birthday 
Friday the 13th. But to celebrate an anniversary EVERY Friday the 13th is 
pretty impossible if one follows our calendar.

I assume that if Donald was born Friday the 13th, he wouldn't celebrate Friday 
the 13th... he would celebrate e.g. October 13. And, to make that clear: Not 
EVERY October 13 is a Friday.

So, if Donald decided to walk against tradition and celebrate every day that 
the day of the month and day of the week was the same as the day he was born, 
unlike the normal "celebrate every day that his the day of the month and month 
of the year was the same as the day he was born", I assume his relatives would 
pretty early start complaining, as that would mean almost twice as many 
birthdays, hence twice as many presents.

Naturally, if being born Friday the 13th made him decide to celebrate his 
birthday only on occations when the day of the month, the day of the week AND 
the month of the year was the same as his birthday, that would make much more 
sense for a relative like Scrooge (so much cheaper)... And it would also 
explain why Donald is still so young (as I guess this would mean he's had 
approximately nine "birthdays" from 1934 until today). But thinking of Donald's 
character... would he really give up 6/7ths of his birthday parties? Of course 
not! :-)

Did any of this mail make sense at all to any of you? If so, let me know. :-)

Olaf the Blue

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