Money Bin Model

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at
Mon Oct 27 08:10:57 CET 2003


Pretty amazing!

I also liked the 404 error page (page not found) on your server!

> -- All the "coins" in the vault are cardboard from milk boxes, made with a 
> holing machine, which took veeeeery long.

Ah, but did he use a different diameter for each coin, just as Don uses a 
different template to draw each individual coin? :-)

Seriously, I was impressed by seeing all those little coins in the bin, and I 
still can't believe how they were produced. Is the bin full of them, or is it 
just a thin layer of "coins" glued on a flat surface? If milk cartons have a 
metallic surface only on the inside, I would assume it is the latter. (I don't 
  really know, as over here they use wax(?)-coated cardboard or plastic 

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at
"Paranoia is just another word for a heightened appreciation of how badly the
  universe wants to get you."

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