Barks's mirror quote / Magica / Glomgold / pig villain / Kriton / Santa

Daniel van Eijmeren dve at
Wed Sep 3 05:24:20 CEST 2003

MADS JENSEN, 02-09-2003:

>> "The sound cracked the mirror!... Brother! That's QUALITY!"

> Is it the story where Donald is a sound expert ? Can't find the code 
> for it right now :-(

Sound expert? I'm not sure if you mean the same story as I do. The 
comment is indeed by Donald. But it's NOT "Monkey Business" (WDC 297), 
if that's what you mean.

LARS JENSEN to me, 02-09-2003:

>> Is Barks's Magica an evil person? Has she ever threatened to really 
>> harm (or even kill) people or animals? I can't remember any such
>> instance.

> Is she evil? This is an impossible question to answer. How do you 
> define evil? Are the Beagle Boys evil? Is Big Bad Wolf? Is Scrooge 
> McDuck? Depends on who you're asking, probably.

"Evil" indeed is not a clear word. You're right. I meant to ask if
Barks's Magica is able to really harm or even kill people or animals.

Flintheart Glomgold would fit in that category. In "So Far and No Safari" 
(US 61), he tries to kill the Ducks by literally BOMBING them.

The pig villain also tries to kill the Ducks, in "Crown of the Mayas" 
(US 44), and in "The Great Wig Mystery" (US 52).

Maybe this could be nice Barks quiz, finding such instances. And are the 
Ducks always innocent themselves, or not?

ARIE FACHRISAL to me, 02-09-2003:

>> So, this might explain how Santa is doing those "foing" and "shrink" 
>> tricks in "A Letter to Santa". And why not? Flickus, Flackus, 
>> Fumdeedledum! :-)

> Yikkus, Yakkus, Youbettus. Though i am somehat baffled by why an old 
> man with white beard would laugh "ho-ho-ho" when his big round nose 
> is freezing into a reddish state ;-)

Maybe he gets some bottles with not-so-supernatural potions at his 
local liquor shop, to get his nose so shiny, and his laughing so silly.
"Ho-ho-ho, Red-nose Rudolf! Old tippler! Don't drink and drive, they 
say! Ho-ho-ho! Who do those cops think I am? Santa Claus? Ho-ho-ho!"

KRITON KYRIMIS to me, 02-09-2003:

>> P.S. Release Kriton! Sign the petition! Buy "Release Kriton!" shirts,
>> so we buy some flowers to cheer him up in that moldy jail!

> It's not that bad in here;

(Maybe so, but I sure can use the money. And if you don't want your share, 
I get even more for myself.) Buy "Release Kriton" shirts! Don't be so 
doggoned greedy! Buy "Release Kriton" shirts! It's for the good cause! :-)

--- Daniël

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